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Faculties Research Projects

Financial Assistance  to Research projects

The objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance to carryout research in the area of Technological Aspects in disability studies and develop implements to aid physically challenged.

Eligibility (who can Apply)

Any faculty member with an innovative idea working in government, government aided or government controlled self supporting Engineering college/Medical College/Polytechnic /other professional colleges in Kerala can apply for financial assistance under this scheme. Also, any qualified person with disability (with 40% & above disability)can apply through the faculty of any government Engineering college/Govt. Medical College/Govt. Polytechnic /other professional Colleges  in Kerala for financial assistance under this scheme. The research project shall be carried out in an Engineering college/Medical College/ Polytechnic college(government, government aided or government controlled self supporting institutions). One of the faculty members who is currently working in the institution shall be co-investigator/guide.

Faculty Research Projects - Down load option  ( Application form for Faculties Research grant) Rules and Regulation